From the President’s Console: January 1996

Posted January 1996

Well, tradition has it that the first newsletter of each year has us charting the course for the coming years’ projects. So as not to disappoint, I’ll lay out for you some of the projects on my mind for the coming months.

High on the agenda will be improvements/enhancements to our integrated EDI programming. While EDI has been forecast for many years to be the next most promising technology, I feel that it may now actually be widespread enough to make good on the promise. We’ll be working hard on enhancements and extensions to our existing EDI software to make it as much a “must-have” product as our INFOFAX integrated faxing software has become.

Another product due to make a big impact is our INFONET/PC networking package. 1995 saw an explosion of interest in our abilities to marry PC/Windows workstations with our existing UNIX Accounting software. This year should see that whole concept become more ingrained and routine.

And, Windows95 will probably be leading the way as the PC front-end! We’ve reached a minimal proficiency level on this exciting new operating system, and will be expending a good deal of energy helping you make that step up onto Windows95 during ’96.

All of this PC/Workstation stuff of course is being fueled by our INFOACCESS Electronic Catalog project, begun last summer. It is meeting with rave reviews from early adopters, and we have plans for substantial additions to the product and its features over the next year.

Finally, I’d like to welcome Gary and Cindy at Central Gases in Portland, Indiana and Ken, Al, Larry, Linda and Geraldine at Industrial Welders Supply in Providence, Rhode Island as new customers.

–David J. Frea