Recently, INFONETICS took another step towards meeting the diverse needs of their customers by hosting their first-ever user group meetings called INFOGROUP.
The first two INFOGROUPS were held prior to the start of the National Welding Supply Association’s (NWSA) Spring Management Conferences (SMC) in Chicago on February 14th, and Boston on March 30th. Both four hour meetings convened at the NWSA host hotels, making the groups not only easy to attend for those also participating in the SMC, but also offering a comfortable and professional work environment for the INFOGROUP. The makeup of the attendees not only included current users, but also those distributors who were interested in possibly making INFONETICS their computer supplier.
The purpose behind the user meetings was twofold. The first was to introduce new technology and innovations that could greatly increase the efficiency and productivity of INFOGROUP attendees. The second was to offer an opportunity for INFONETICS representatives to meet with users and potential users to address any questions or comments they might have. Both purposes were successfully met. The topic selected for the inaugural INFOGROUP meetings covered the rapidly progressing world of the Internet and related topics (i.e. e-mail, electronic commerce, web sites, etc….). The response to the topic was phenomenal, as both meetings were filled to capacity. In addition to the main topic, representatives of INFONETICS were on hand to address issues ranging from cylinder and inventory control to Y2K compliance concerns, (the latter of which INFONETICS has had a solution to for almost two years.)
Overall, the turnout for the two INFOGROUPS exceeded expectations and proved to be valuable in conveying new ideas in technology. It also was an excellent platform for current and prospective INFONETICS users to ask questions, discuss various computer topics, and share valuable industry related information. Since both meetings were deemed successful, INFONETICS is currently planning on hosting future INFOGROUPS. If you or someone you know is interested in attending the next INFOGROUP, please feel free to call INFONETICS at (614) 875-2006 for further details.