Dustin Down Under

Posted July 2001

Dustin Frea, son of INFONETICS owners David and Mary Frea, recently traveled to Australia as part of Australian Discovery 2001, sponsored by People to People Student Ambassador program. People to People was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 in an effort to bring together citizens and work toward world peace.

Dustin is savoring the memory of his “once in a lifetime” experience, especially climbing to the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. Dustin traveled across Australia for three weeks, starting in Sydney on June 21st, and ending up in Cairns in the Northwest quadrant of the country. While in Sydney, in addition to bridge climbing, their group toured the opera house, cruised the harbor, and toured Stadium Australia and the Superdome.

During one stop in Alstonvillie, Dustin stayed with a local family. “It was a lot like it was in the U.S. They did a lot of the same things. It really wasn’t that different.” He spent one day with the family at the easternmost point of Australia where they played beach volleyball and barbecued.

Later in the trip Dustin snorkeled around the Great Barrier Reef, rode a hot air balloon, took a gondola over the Rain Forest, and met some of the local Aborigines. While he had great plans for expanding INFONETICS’ international business, he later commented that there just wasn’t time to address those issues.

Mary and David enjoyed the peace and quiet for three glorious weeks.