Traditionally, February 14th of each year usually signifies the day most of us know as Valentine’s Day. This year however, INFONETICS marked the occasion by conducting its’ first-ever INFOGROUP users meeting.
After years of suggestions and ideas presented to us by our current users and prospective customers, the first meeting came together at the Palmer House Hilton in downtown Chicago, Illinois. A group of 29 users gathered for the meeting on the sixth floor of the prestigious, old hotel to hear INFONETICS company president, David Frea, deliver a presentation on the world of the internet and the personal computer.
The presentation covered all aspects of the internet and the PC including e-mail, internet access, internet service providers, proxy servers, electronic commerce, and what INFONETICS could do for our users. While there was a prepared agenda to be covered at the meeting, the tone and direction of INFOGROUP was determined by the attendees. Questions and comments were not only encouraged, but expected. Thankfully, that wasn’t a problem for the attendees.
If there is one common thread that links all INFONETICS users together it’s the fact that they all care about the way they do business. That includes their computer systems and the software that powers them. Evidence of that was exhibited as questions were not only directed to INFONETICS personnel, but also to other attendees. A growing consensus throughout the question and answer session seemed to be that the exchange of information between users was very important and that there should be more of it in future meetings. Suggestions on the way to foster the involvement of our customers ranged from breaking into small groups to discuss different software/business issues, to having different users present topics that are unique and/or highly utilized by their particular business.
A variety of topics for future discussion were also bantered around such as, inventory control, bar coding, cylinder control, and more internet and PC topics. Overall, the first INFOGROUP proved to be a valuable tool not only for our customers, but for us. We found out that there are a lot of issues that we can talk you through from a technical aspect, but from a practical, everyday standpoint input from other users can be just as valuable. In addition, it was really nice to have a chance to meet the people that we talk to on a day to day basis and put a face with a name. Not to mention, there were a couple of nice surprises for each attendee that made INFOGROUP not only informative, but rewarding.