Version 2.19a Release Notes

Posted July 1998

This past month INFONETICS released the latest upgrade to its popular Point-Of-Sale software suite of Accounting Software.  The exciting new features are detailed here.  To upgrade to this latest version, simply call your Account Specialist and request an update tape.


Customer Price Listing

Reorganized listing to put slot/rate to right of net amount. This permits slot/discount info to be physically cut off of listing if presenting to a customer.

Print Mass Mailing Memo

Add ability to configure background fax image when mass faxing. This combines with other fax related features to enable a broad range of mass faxing scenarios.


Edit Inventory Part File

Added ability to view from the Vendor Part ID field. This view screen is sorted by the VENDOR’s PART ID which greatly aides searching for parts.

Post Inventory Receipts/Post Physical Inventory

Added field for bin location so it can be entered and/or corrected while posting.  This may be more convenient than editing through “Edit Inventory Part File”.

Inventory Master/Condensed Lists

Added Cylinder Control and Serial Number System restrictors to setup screen and on printed output.

Purge Inventory History

Will now condense history by type (“I”, “O”, “B”, “X”, “S”, “P”) rather than just one total.  This permits better accuracy for usage history instead of lump sum total.


Post Order/Invoices

When viewing sales history from the Quan Order or Part ID fields, it will now combine sales histories from ALL SHIP-TO’s of the customer.  This will relieve the need to view sales totals/histories individually under various ship-to’s.Also expanded line items to 126 lines per order.Improved the posting of inventory history records for open orders.  Will now split inventory history for open (unshipped items) into “O” Committed and “B” backordered records.  That way, items in the “Backorder” column appear separate from “Sold” items on Inventory Stocking Reports and in Inventory History View Screens.

Sales Analysis: C-Type

New program available to sort sales by Customer “Type Code”. Have your Account Specialist configure on your menu if desired.

Invoice Journal

New STATISTICS section at end of report.1) Totals the number of orders shipped early, on-time, 1, 2, and 3+ days late. This uses the orders “want date” versus the “ship date”.2) Totals the number of orders with any non-gas line items that show backordered quantities versus shipped complete.

Copy Quote To On-Line

Changed setup screen so only one quote at a time can be copied over.  This bullet proof’s the process so that it can safely be used by all personnel. Have your Account Specialist configure on your menu, if desired.


Edit Receivables Data

Show “Still UnPaid” amount on partially applied invoices on journal.  This draws your attention to invoices that weren’t completely paid off by the customer with a given check.Change the use of the <ENTER> Key while in the “Application” section of the screen.  Will now automatically fill in the application amount. The user must use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow to move between lines.  This will be confusinginitially, as the user may be accustomed to hitting <ENTER> to move down a line. But, after a little practice, will appreciate the ability to hit <ENTER> and have the application amount automatically filled in.Added a new key combination <LINE INSERT> to search for and move cursor to a given transaction ID in the application section.  This makes searching for an invoice (to which the payment is being applied) simple and quick.

Receivables Aging

Added new option “+” to “Age Criteria” to locate and print only accounts with partially applied payments.  Aging will also now show Bold Print for the “Open Amount” if it is partially applied.  This helps in identifying short pay problems to resolve.


Cylinder Master Report

Changed so printing of Gas Price/Rental Rates in customers ending balance section is conditional on setting of “Print Rates” flag on setup screen.


Edit Purchase Order File

The Purchase Control System is now integrated with the Serial Number System and Cylinder Control System.  This means when you type a P.O. w/serial # tracking parts, it will stop and prompt for SN#’s Recv’d and Ship’d just like Order/Invoicing does.  These SN# and CCS records post to the appropriate system automatically.  The Serial Number Master File (snMast) is also automatically updated on the first activity for a given serial number.It is interesting to note that in both SNS and CCS the Customer I.D. has been extended to included vendors.  Activity associated with a vendor will have a customer’s Ship-To of “-1” (denoting vendor).  View screens and reports will show vendor I.D.’s slid to the right of customer I.D.s with no ship-to digit visible.  When running many of the reports in these packages, you must select the Sequence Code of “V” to include/sort by vendor I.D.

Purchase Order Journal

Serial numbers and full/empty cylinder activity now prints on the actual purchase order, as well as P.O. Journals and Analysis reports.

Edit Purchase Order File

Fixed bug of not properly un-vouchering from A/P when the P.O.’s “Invoice Date” is removed or changed to 999999.


Serail Number Sequencing

Added Order/Invoice/P.O. LINE ITEM to serial number record so that serial numbers will stay with the line item they’re put on instead of accumulating on the first line item.  Previously, all SN# activity propagated to the first line for that Part ID.Improved error/warnings to be sensitive to transactions for same date, but from lessor Orders/P.O. numbers.  Previously, SN# activity checking only referred to transactions from prior dates, not the same date.

Added Warehouse Info To Serial Number Activity

Add snWhse Field to activity records. This allows running reports restricted by warehouse even if history has been archived or purged. Very useful when trying to isolate all SN#’s that should be at a given branch.

Serial# Report: ALL

Reorganized reports in a number of ways.  Changed layout to fit on 132 column for easier reading on-screen.Downgraded “Changed Part ID” to non-severe warning message.Fixed “Detail Y/N” to not show activity detail when set to ‘N’. Will continue to show SN# Master info though.Changed “Detail” option to “Print Activity” to control printing of SN Activity detail.Added “Print Master” option to control printing of SN Master records.Print “Drop-Ship” ship-to NAME on P.O. lines. This is helpful to note if a received PO has been drop shipped to a customer.

Edit Serial# Master File

Expanded PartID field to 20 characters and re-titled as “Description”.  Is initialized once at beginning of SN#’s life, and doesn’t change automatically after that.

Condense Serial# Activity

New program to replace previous one titled “Purge Serial# Activity”. This program condenses all history leaving only the last activity record for a serial#.

Purge Serial# Activity

New program that REMOVES all history and the SN# Master Record for selected serial numbers.


Edit Payables Data

Enhanced so it can feed Bank Reconciliation for multiple G/L Accounts. Have your Account Specialist configure the menues with all the cash accounts to be tracked.


Enable Separate Balance Sheet

Rewrote various G/L debiting/crediting algorithms to properly segregate individual subsidiaries, allowing separate Balance Sheets to be produced.

Create Opening Entries

New program to automatically create a new opening entry for new year.

NABAR: Nightly Automated Backup And Reorg

Automatic Log-Off Of PSEUDO Sessions

Added code to log off all PSEUDO ttyp? SESSIONS before starting reorg.  Pseudo ttyp? sessions are those started from a networked PC, or from a dumb terminal running in “mscreen” mode.The backup WILL run before logging off these pseudo sessions.  This means a user will not be allowed to leave a PC session, or mscreened dumb terminal session running overnight.  If it is necessary to leave a pseudo session logged on, the user must leave the backup tape out of the drive thereby disabling the running of nabar.NOTE; Regular non-mscreen dumb terminal sessions are not killed.  They can be left logged in and running without affecting nabar.  Of course, the “reorg” portion will abort with the familiar “Database In Multi-User Mode” warning.  Killing regular non-mscreen dumb terminal sessions would abort dumb terminals mscreen functionality and other unintended processes, causing too much inconvenience.NOTE; one side effect; The fax server must be started from a non-mscreened, dumb terminal, or it too would be killed each night.


Developed new INFOPAGE module which can generate forms image as it prints invoices, rent bills, P.O.’s and/or statements on HP lazerjet compatible page printers.  This eliminates the need for pre-printed forms reducing paper stocking needs to simple plain cut-sheet copy paper.Note; point-of-sale invoice/delivery tickets for use on existing dot matrix ticket printers at the sales counter is still recommended due to the need for multiple parts with carbon copy of customers signature.


Panasonic JT Handheld

Numerous programming enhancements to the software developed for Panasonic’s JT Handheld System.Allow entry of negative numbers.Removed “#3: Ordr” option. No longer used.Re-enabled “#3: Labl” functionality for printing barcode labels.Added configuration of barcode printer type to “#7 Conf”;  Note; BLASTER, BLAZER or RING4012 supported.Re-enabled “#8: Test” functionality.Added Year 2000 Support, including ability to set date in “#7 Conf”.Re-enabled “#0: Exit” functionality to exit back to DOS.Check for disk full condition on every write operation and give error message.Note; ALL Panasonic JT’s will need to have their programming reloaded with the new “INFOJT” module.